Stink No More!

remember when I was all thrilled about my new running shoes? Well, after running in them a few times I’ve chose they didn’t offer enough support so I took them back today. I traded them in for a pair of old faithfuls, Adidas Supernova…

The salesman discussed that I get 25% off of everything today (and today was the last day). So, I wandered around the store so I could take advantage. I purchased this special detergent that is made for high tech gear. added benefit – it claims to “Completely remove odors”
내 최신 비디오

5 minute Run warm Up A
Fast warm Up for Runners. 5 minute running warm up before your run. how to get ready to run. suggestions for what to do before you run

더 많은 비디오

0 seconds of 5 minutes, 34 seconds

우리가 낯선 사람 리뷰가되기 전에


We’ll see about that. My nickname isn’t “Stinky butt who smells like week old road kill on an August day” for nothing. I will report back with the results.

So, I had this fantastic revelation during my Intuitive eating failure today:

Monica + exhausted = Eating

Monica gets exhausted everyday around 4pm.

Monica always snacks around 4pm even though she is NOT HUNGRY.

Moral of the story: drink some caffeine and stop sabotaging your weight loss!

I know, it’s pretty fantastic how I was able to piece all that together right? but seriously, it is very challenging to see the most apparent things when you have a problem like this. My plan is to get some caffeine (everyday for the rest of my life) around 3:30ish and see if that helps avoid an afternoon slump and resulting binge. 완벽한! Truthfully, when I realized (mid-bite) this, it was like I discovered the ancient Mayan secret as to why the world is going to end in 2012.

On the way home from the shoe store I ate all the purple grapes from this container:

Then, I had a snack plate plus some other random stuff. and BAM! This is where I get my fantastic revelation. But, it was too late for me today (to avoid it). I am not sure what I will use for caffeine tomorrow, but I am on a mission. I don’t want to do the whole diet soda thing, but I’m not a coffee girl normally. We’ll see…

I had a random dinner of casserole, carrots and old protien ice cream. I wish I had some kind of explanation, but I don’t.

If you want to know how you are many likely going to die you can check out this chart. I am pretty much guaranteed to die of cancer because it’s the #1 way Hispanic females die at any age. Fantastic. I am eating all this healthy food for nothing. 유명한.

Race news – I registered for the surf City half Marathon on February 7th! This is going to be my return to the scene of the crime where I finished my first full marathon last year!! I didn’t want to do the full again because I will be going a full the month before (Disney Jan. 10), but I am thrilled to get back to CA running again!!!

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